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  Sunday, June 24, 2001

I have a headache. Please make the music stop.
[11:08:13 PM] []

And we have survived another day of Pride.

The parade was wicked cool but long and corporate. Rumor has it, it attracked 800,000 people!

Some of the 'highlights'.

  • The Dog Fight - Prior to the parade began three people who collectively had 6 pittbulls had a bit of a situation. Seems like some of the dogs didn't like each other and started attacking one another. They eventually were stuck together. Something like ones teeth was stuck in the others face. Lots of kicking and screaming separated the two. I think even a person got slightly attacked as a strecher was brought in. It was a very nasty scene. Note: We didn't actually see what was going on but it was literally just twenty feet away. One of the guys standing beside us (he was big and buff) got involved and helped hold one of the dogs while the owner tried to wrestle the other one away. Note to readers: Don't bring your pitt bulls to the local parade. And if you do, keep them away from the other pyscho pitt bull owners.
  • We were also in the 'i can't believe they make super soakers that size' water gun section (the Monster X was the weapon of choice). These things really do have more pressure then a thumb over a garden hose. Anyhow, there was a baby in a stroller right beside us. Surprise, surprise she got wet pretty quick. The grandmother got really upset and called everyone assholes but they just told her it was going to get a lot worse than better and that they should just leave. I think after the fire truck with Mel Lastman (mayor of Toronto known for his faux pas's) went by (he had some heavy duty water support/protection) they got the picture and left. Note to readers: Pride isn't for the whole family. If you can't hack it in the wet, noise, and naked-ness then catch the highlights on the evening news.
  • Did I mention how wet we were the whole time? Next Pride we're going to go all out too.
  • Not a lot of boobs, but a lot of wet t-shirts.
  • To make up for the lack of boobs there were a lot of pensises. There was even a whole section of just naked men. 'Totaly Naked Toronto' or something like that.
  • Lotsa leather.
  • It was long! We were standing out there for at least 3 hours
  • Lots of drag queens.
  • A few men with breasts that despite their size (remember they're naked) did not bounce at all. Marvels of modern day medicine!
  • There was also a lot of corporate branding. Sometimes it felt like one big commercial. Like there was an Hewlett Packard section and you're just like what are they doing here? So they have some gay employeees? So what? Or the Body Shop 'float' which was a pickup truck with a big bottle in the back. Nothing else. So the parade is really a deal for these big companies who want some good attention time and they get to litter the streets with their junk.
  • PFLAG. Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays got the most support and was the most emotional for the non-straight people in the crowd.

All in all a very interesting time. We tried to grab some snaps with the old fashioned kind of camera but it was VERY crowded making it very difficult to take pictures and it was very wet. The reader will just have to use their imagination or visit their local gay parade.

Still pumping here but Natalie says it's bed time. But I'm exhausted so that's fine. Jonathan is off to Europe tomorrow. I'll see him but Natalie and Maeve didn't get a proper goodbye. ..It'll be a long six months without him.
[10:44:11 PM] []

So cool. Google has image search technology. Dave is where I heard first. And it works!. But what's funny is if I search from two different computers I get two different result sets.. I wonder what would happen if I deleted my Google cookie on both? Would that affect anything? Hmmm..

So I wonder what the key to it indexing my images properly is? I would love it if people could easily find images from my site, especially when I get this digital camera.

Oh and my sites are back in Google. It's good to be alive again!
[1:09:16 PM] []

And, we're back.
[2:29:51 AM] []

We're getting ready to bust outta here for more partying. We're all a little in shock that Rafi who's not big drank a whole bottle of that Wine-y stuff. That's the stuff that Nick (who's visiting us) drank last night (or so we hear) and puked up later. So hopefully Rafi's still going strong!
[12:53:07 AM] []

Quick blog! Rafi was just over for a quick drink (well a whole bottle actually) before heading out to 'The Barn'. Ah! I should of got a webcam photo of all the action (he brought two friends and we have 3 friends over). See, I need a digital cam. This week I'll do the research and we'll pick one up shortly.. It will cost like $500 though. Ugh.

Back to partying! Aimee, wish you were here! But last night and this morning and afternoon we've been sick. Maeve brought the sickness to our house and it's spread to us all. My throat is sore and my world spinning but we're partying hard none-the-less. So we're grumpy and sick between the partying.

Aimee if you can come the weekend of the 13th, you can come to Melissa Ferrick with us, which will be GOOD.
[12:12:15 AM] []

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