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  Friday, June 08, 2001

The blog is now officially located at: Adjust your pointers. But note the Manilasites one will exist till Dave deletes it (if he ever does) to maintain those legacy links. Of course Google still doesn't remember who I am. Hopefully being on Tomato helps that.
[7:23:55 PM] []

Unfortunately it looks like we weren't the first to use the term blogcest as Google reports one hit for it.

My mom wants to know if I regularly drink beer at my desk. Well not during office hours (obviously). Of course after office hours there may be the occasional indulgence. But note. We are out of beer. Also note. My desk doesn't get cleaned often.
[7:20:07 PM] []

I just got hit by the Friday afternoon email rush. Ah!
[5:12:08 PM] []

Let's see how much blogging I can fit into this break.

Went to see Gord Downie yesterday as part of Spring Rites 2001. It was a modern dance thingy with 6 segments. Gord was third. It started off with a black stage, him on the ground reading poetry, and two dancers on stage. Then the lights slowly came on. There were 9 of them. Single bare bulbs. Flickering. There was also a desk where he sat sorting through papers where he started to read/sing poetry again. Then he gets up on the desk and is really going at it. At one point the dancers come and flip the desk over scattering the papers all over. Towards the end he went off stage and read from there as the dancers did their thing. It was a very interesting and moving piece entitled Reveries. The music by Gord was 'Godspeed the Black Emperor'. The amazing thing was that the piece would be totally unsuitable for video, or CD. It was something that had to be experienced live.

I also really enjoyed the last piece where there was one dancer and these three waterfalls. The waterfalls were a little baffling because the went from the floor to the ceiling. How did they manage that?

After the show we desparately tried to find a Sushi place. Seeing as there are 4 in our neighbourhood you'd think it wouldn't be hard to find one open.. But alas. Only one stays open till 11pm. And last weekend we couldn't find any open after 11pm even though one is supposedly open till 3am. I think that there is an unexploited market here; late night sushi eaters. I really wish someone would wake up and feed us. Natalie and Maeve would also like to know if the crab is real crab. Somehow I doubt that a sushi restaurant would serve fake stuff but they're not so sure.

The TalkTv bit sucked. No deep issues discussed. Just like, so Napster. We keep hearing about it but nothing is really happening. Also on the show was Big Sugar who said that lots of artists trade works amongst themselves but would like their fans to pay for stuff. I asked him if it had been a conscious decision on the part of the band to have their material blocked from Napster, he said he didn't know so the label must have done it. Ah to be so ignorant about the business of art.

Ah, some exiting working developments. An article came out yesterday which, I think, did a good job of highlighting 'the opportunity'. The situation I think we're now in is very similar to what happened last summer with Fairtunes. I.e. We had this, what we thought, was killer idea. Then every day we'd find little bits and pieces on the net which would re-enforce what we saw driving us to work harder and faster for fear that other people would put 1-2-3 together. I am now super excited about what we're doing. It very well could be revolutionary if we pull it off. (Now that's a big statement. Revolutionary vs. Evolutionary).
[10:56:44 AM] []

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