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  Thursday, June 28, 2001

The TalkTV thing sucked. I really hate being a webcam guest. I know they enjoy the novelty value of it but really. Ugh.

I went and visited Henry's and Downtown Camera today. The people at Henry's were better. The bad news is that the Canon A20 that I had my eye on doesn't come with rechargable batteries which means the price just jumped from $300 to $350 (all prices USD unless otherwise noted). The guy really recommended the Canon S110 Digital Elph which is absolutely tiny and comes with batteries. It also has a toy video mode and with 8 meg of flash memory you'll probably get all of a second of video. SO.... Big decisions. Or there's the Kodak Dx3500 at $249. But he cautioned against that one since Kodak doesn't actually make their own cameras. But Cisco doesn't make their own routers. AHH! Digital camera hell. The only consoling factor is that the Canons have a high re-sale value. So the cost of ownership if you sell after a year is probably around $200cdn, which isn't bad at all.

As a birthday present (it's coming up!) you can all buy me flash memory for whatever camera I get.

Warning: I'm heading to the lake (Little Echo Bay on Lake of the Woods) for the weekend with Natalie. Won't be back till Wednesday.

The team is also expecting a working prototype by end of next week / early week after.. !!

Just got an email from PayPal, the bank that isn't officially a bank but sucks just like one. They're changing their rate structure again. Basically their rate is the same as our Visa one through Moneris. Isn't that ironic.
[11:42:49 PM] []

Should I be insulted or flatered that TalkTV just called me up to be a 'webcam correspondent' for tonight's show? Email me or join the chat at 6pm EST and weigh in then.

Other guests include Jon Katz who recently wrote, the rise and fall of the geeks for Shift (which I picked up Tuesday night after the movie we tried to go to was full). Jon Katz is also very well known for his columns on Slashdot.

Like the article the other day which pointed out 9 types of math students I would hope that there are many types of geeks. Me being more of the sociable / well adjusted type who just happens to use computers for more than just suffering the web and emailing (I really meant surfing, but maybe we do 'suffer' the web).
[3:26:27 PM] []

I added the Glam King to the sidebar for easy access.
[10:41:12 AM] []

The Glam King is posting! So exciting! Now we can we travel vicariously through Jonathan's weblog.

Doc's got a day full of good links telling us how to disable the X10 pop-up for 3 years! (click here), and attempts to example the weblog-Google mystery.

Ads are gone on Fairtunes. We earned $180US in 10 months. Yup, it has been confirmed. The ad business is in the toilet.

Napster is now forcing people (as of today) to use the latest version which sports mandatory audio finger printing to ensure no copyrighted stuff gets shared. Result. None of my 1200 MP3s are shared, but oddly enough I can find more of the odd stuff I'm looking for. Yahoo reports people are now sharing 1.5 songs on average, done from 220 songs in February. I sure wonder what it feels like to have your business gutted by the RIAA? Yes, I believe that Napster was orginally right and the RIAA wrong, and I'll argue it till I'm blue in the face. If anyone is violating copyrights it's the end user but the RIAA is afraid to come after 90 million of us so they go after the facilitator.

Webcam has been down because John recovered 50 cds from home and I'm systematically ripping them all along with Maeve's collection. And this is all happening on the webcam machine.. Plus you don't really want to see me sitting around with my shirt off because the air conditions broken,n now do you?
[10:35:33 AM] []

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