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  Tuesday, June 19, 2001

Natalie advised me not to blog drunk. But here goes. (I can already see my mom's email in my inbox when she reads this.. :) )

So yesterday I opened an USD bank account. It was a surprisingly quick process. I was in and out in 10 minutes. So today I go to Royal to see if a wire transfer came through to my new account but alas it isn't being displayed on the screen. So I call the Royal Bank and the nice friendly operator tells me that well you see sir two of your accounts (my USD account and credit line) were opened from eastern branches and your card (plus primary bank account and credit cards) and other accounts are from western branches and while I (the operator) can see all your accounts, you cannot. Ugh. So everytime I want to transfer money from USD to CDN I have to call the 800 number. Hopefully next time I'm in the 'Peg I can setup a USD account that will appear. Or next time I'm in Waterloo I'll open a CDN dollar account and get a new 'eastern' client card. Like what kind of computer system do they have that the eastern system can't talk to the western system!? This is the year 2001!

Maybe the irony here is that today I was considering buying bank stock (after my debts are paid off of course) but yet I don't believe that any of our banks in Canada are doing a good job. But maybe that's a good sign to buy because there is so much obvious room for improvement.

Speaking of buying.. Someone wants to buy a domain name I registered in the winter.. I guess we're now accepting bids.

Oh and more bank rage. I've applied for a CIBC Aerogold card because I have a lot of Aeroplan points (like 25,000) and obviously want more instead of lame ass gift certs for The Bay which I currently receive. Anyhow. I applied but got denied since they couldn't find my credit history. Whatever. I have one so I called and they eventually decided I did have one and it was favourable but they needed proof of bleh bleh blah. So I faxed what they wanted. But alas no card has showed up in the mail so I called today and they said oh but this proof of address/phone number you sent in isn't acceptable for 'some irrational reason' so I sent in a new one (but why didn't they call saying it was unacceptable??). Hopefully we'll get this cleared up soon because really. Do they want my money or not?

That's my question for the Canadian banks out there. Do you want my money or not? I'm young with a lot of potential for big bucks. Don't piss me off.

A good example of not pissing me off was Rogers, my high speed Inet company, who had a service guy here by 11am today after my call last night at 7pm. They know the value of a customer. I wish the banks did too.

Aren't you glad the webcam is back on so you aren't seeing my knee anymore? I guess now you're seeing the floor since the webcam has plummeted from the desk to the floor (it really is indestructable). But more on the lack of webcam later (short story: it's because I'm ripping CDs on the webcam computer).
[11:11:12 PM] []

There's some car turnover going on in our family. Up for grabs are a Silver 1987 740 Volvo with ~300,000km (picture (not our actual car)) or a 1996 Highline Neon sedan (specs w/pic) with ~135,000km. The big question is which one do I want??


  • The cool factor of driving a Volvo station
  • Thule bike racks
  • Roomy


  • Newer, less Km.
  • Cheap to repair
  • Thule trunk rack
Email if you have an opinion.
[7:31:18 PM] []

The UW Bulletin today has some info on co-op pay. UW co-op students may be paid as much as $938 a week, or as little as $300, depending on what faculty they're in and how much work experience they have had.. Now that's excluding the top and bottom 10% but those are the numbers I'd be most interested in :).

Evhead seems a little shocked to discover a six page article about him in the latest Shift when they didn't really interview him. But really journalists don't need to interview you anymore because they can just read your weblog. They also don't have to send a photographer down because your photos are already online ripe for the stealing (I.e. These two photos appeared in articles about me/Fairtunes. How embarrassing! At least let us recommend a photo to you).

Triumph of the Weblogs (from Release 1.0) (link scooped from Evhead). That article is recommended reading for all you new to the weblogging scene.

[10:22:49 AM] []

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