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  Friday, July 06, 2001

Hmm.. The webcam is giving me this white screen of death.

Now I'm getting in trouble for not talking with Natalie. So back to Natalie for more Natalie time.
[7:27:32 PM] []

Here's a treat for you all. It's an email from the Canadian Recording Industry Association asking our ISP to please shut our server down because we are running a 'Napster like service' (aka OpenNap). View the absurdity.

Upon receipt Richard at WWW called me and said he'd be forwarding the email to me and that he'd like to be CC'd on our response back to them. More importantly he said that they wouldn't shut us down till they receive a court order requesting them to do so. Now we all know that in order to do that CRIA would have to take us to court and it'd cost a million dollars (for them). So our plan, I guess, (John is on his way over to strategize (not really. just to party and get drunk)) is to send a nasty email back in effect giving them the finger. Of course they're welcome to sue us but there's the whole million dollar issue and well we'd have a media field day with it in true Fairtunes media style.

Send your thoughts if you have any.

And notice the disclaimer at the bottom of the email about intended recipients and all that other legal bs. So, *please* take note and don't show it to anyone!
[7:05:02 PM] []

So my last pay cheque was a real cheque so I go to the bank (the Royal) today, wait in line FOREVER and then the lady tells me that there is a 25 day hold on USD cheques. I should have asked if that was business days.

Now I do all my banking (business&personal) with this bank and have banked with them since I was like 5 and they have to hold my money for 25 days? And yet I can drop a cheque of in a bank machine and withdraw the money immediately. Did I mention I HATE BANKS?

Doc has a nice fuzzy story about paying for other people's blogs. I wish I could host everyone's weblogs for free (Nic's been the last to inquire about blogs) but unfortunately I can't. Some people have 'free' Tomato accounts but we have to re-coup our monthly bill somehow and so we must charge. We are reasonable and the service is usually prompt. Just don't expect 5 nine's reliability :).
[6:29:03 PM] []

It was decided a while ago but finalized today with the posting of our placeholder website.

The company I work for is named, Transpose. You can find our corporate site at and email me on work related matters at
[1:13:48 PM] []

I read about Trailervision over lunch (brie&ham sandwich). It too looks like an easy way to blow a Friday afternoon if you're stuck in cubicle hell (which I'm not) and sitting on a superfast pipe.
[1:01:16 PM] []

Some UWers are stepping into the blogging fray.

Check out Kevin (Natalie's roommate from the Winter now in Switzerland on a work term with OpenText and Adam who was in North A with Nat and Kevin in their first year.

Nic who also hails from North A has a page he sent me which clued me in to the other weblogs. I do find it funny that Kevin has a weblog since he and Robin ALWAYS mocked my weblog. As if Matt would ever have anything INTERESTING to say.

Now it's Friday and you're probably bored at work so at least learn something. I.e. The Art of Turboing (because you hate having to deal with customer service reps at places like Rogers), How Water Guns Work (because you'll be packing at Pride) and Google Zeitgeist (because you're interested in 'Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google'). And the webcam is back ON! (because I'm done ripping John's CDs).

And I did buy the Canon S-110. I can't wait till it gets here! (probably a week or two since it got shipped via ground).
[12:38:45 PM] []

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